Can I take vacation during my notice period?

Confused about taking vacation during your notice period? Find out if it's possible, and what to consider before making the decision to apply for vacation.

Can you take a holiday during notice?

Yes, in most cases, an employee is entitled to take vacation during their notice period.

Whether or not an employee can take vacation during their notice period will depend on the specific terms of their employment contract and applicable employment laws.

Some employment contracts may specify that an employee is not allowed to take vacation during their notice period, while others may allow it but require the employee to give a certain amount of notice before taking vacation.

What is the normal practice if I still have unconsumed vacation days while serving my notice period?

The normal practice if an employee has unconsumed vacation days while serving their notice period is for the employee to be allowed to take those vacation days.

This is because an employee is typically entitled to be paid for any unused vacation days when they leave their job.

Take note that some employment contracts may specify that an employee is allowed to take vacation but require the employee to give a certain amount of advanced notification before taking vacation.

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