How many sentences do colleges usually read before they move on to the next application?

Are you applying to college? Learn how many sentences colleges usually read before they move on to the next application and make sure your application stands out

Most colleges typically read between three to four sentences per application.

They usually start by reading a student's personal statement and then move onto their extracurricular activities.

After they have reviewed these two areas of an applicant’s profile, they may look at honors or awards that were received in high school before making a decision about moving forward with the rest of the application materials.

In some cases, admissions counselors might also take into account additional information such as letters of recommendation or test scores when determining whether to proceed further with an individual’s candidacy for admission.

Ultimately though, how many sentences are actually read will vary from one institution to another depending upon its own set criteria for evaluating applicants' applications and the volume of applicants they receive for that current admissions exercise.

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