How to Create an Interview Plan for Successful Hiring

Learn how to create an interview plan for successful hiring with our expert tips and best practices. Improve your interviewing skills today!

Are you struggling to make successful hires? Finding the right candidate for a role can be challenging, and a poorly planned interview process can leave you with less-than-stellar results. But fear not! Creating a thorough and effective interview plan can make all the difference in your hiring success.

A well-designed interview plan can help you assess candidate's competencies against the job requirements and ensure you make the best hiring decision. At the same time, it can also help you create a positive candidate experience and build a great employer brand.

So, where do you start? In this article, we'll provide you with expert tips and best practices on how to create an interview plan that leads to successful hiring. We'll cover everything from understanding job requirements to developing effective interview questions and creating a structured interview process. Plus, we'll share tips for active listening, rapport building, and avoiding common interviewing mistakes.

Whether you're an experienced recruiter or a hiring manager, this article will provide you with valuable insights on how to improve your interviewing skills and hire the best candidate for the job. Get ready to learn everything you need to know about creating an interview plan that leads to hiring success!

Understanding the Role and Skills Required for the Job:

Before you can start creating your interview plan, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the role you're hiring for and the skills required for the job. Begin by analyzing the job description and identifying the key competencies required for success in the role.

One way to do this is by creating a job competency framework, which breaks down the role into its core competencies and identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for each one. This framework can then be used as a guide for developing interview questions and evaluating candidate responses.

In addition to analyzing the job description, it's also important to consider the broader context of the role, such as the company's culture, values, and mission. This can help you identify the soft skills and qualities that are important for success in the role and tailor your interview questions accordingly.

Developing an Interview Plan:

Once you have a clear understanding of the role and the skills required for the job, you can begin developing your interview plan. A well-designed interview plan should include the following components:

Preparing the Questions:

Developing effective interview questions is key to assessing a candidate's competencies and fit for the role. Start by developing a list of open-ended questions that allow the candidate to elaborate on their experience and skills. Use the job competency framework as a guide for developing questions that address each competency.

Structuring the Interview:

It's important to structure the interview in a way that allows you to assess the candidate's competencies and fit for the role thoroughly. One effective way to do this is to use a behavioral interviewing approach, which focuses on asking questions about the candidate's past behaviors and experiences.

Establishing an Evaluation Criteria: Having a clear evaluation criteria can help you make objective hiring decisions and ensure you're assessing candidates consistently. Your evaluation criteria should be based on the job competency framework and include both technical skills and soft skills.

Preparing the Interview Environment:

Creating a comfortable and professional interview environment can help you create a positive candidate experience and leave a great impression of your company. Consider the location, seating arrangement, and other factors that can affect the candidate's comfort and ability to perform their best during the interview.

Tips for Effective Interviewing:

Active Listening:

Active listening is a critical skill for effective interviewing. It involves not only hearing what the candidate is saying but also observing their body language and nonverbal cues. To become a better active listener, practice techniques such as restating and summarizing the candidate's responses.

Building Rapport with the Candidate:

Building rapport with the candidate can help you create a comfortable and positive interview experience. To build rapport, try to establish a connection with the candidate by finding common ground and using open-ended questions to encourage conversation.

Avoiding Common Interviewing Mistakes:

There are several common interviewing mistakes that can lead to inaccurate hiring decisions or a poor candidate experience. These include things like leading questions, bias, and not providing enough information about the role and the company. To avoid these mistakes, prepare thoroughly, stay objective, and follow best practices for effective interviewing.

Virtual Interviews:

With more companies turning to virtual interviews, it's important to be aware of the unique challenges and considerations of this format. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, adequate lighting, and a quiet, distraction-free environment. Consider using tools like virtual backgrounds or chatbots to enhance the candidate experience.


Creating an effective interview plan is key to making successful hires and building a strong employer brand. By understanding the role and skills required, developing an effective interview plan, and mastering the art of interviewing, you can improve your hiring success and build a great team. Remember to always strive for objectivity, avoid common interviewing mistakes, and continuously refine your approach to stay ahead of the curve.

Additional Resources

The Muse: 6 Common Interview Mistakes to Avoid

This article provides practical tips for avoiding common interviewing mistakes, such as not preparing thoroughly or being too vague in your questioning.

Society for Human Resource Management: The STAR Interview Method

The STAR interview method is a popular framework for conducting behavioral interviews and assessing candidate competencies. This resource provides guidance on how to use the STAR method effectively.

Indeed: How to Conduct a Virtual Interview: Tips and Best Practices

  • As virtual interviews become more common, it's essential to know how to conduct them effectively. This resource provides tips and best practices for conducting successful virtual interviews.

Workable: 30 Behavioral Interview Questions to Identify High-Potential Candidates

This resource provides a list of 30 behavioral interview questions that can help you assess a candidate's competencies and potential for success in the role.

LinkedIn Learning: Interviewing Techniques

This online course offers guidance on interviewing techniques and best practices, covering topics such as developing interview questions, active listening, and evaluating candidate responses.

By utilizing these resources, you can continue to build your interviewing skills and stay up-to-date on the latest best practices in hiring.

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