How to deliver compliments correctly to give a right impression

Want to deliver compliments and praise during your next job interview? Learn the proper way to do it right.

Are you tired of awkwardly stumbling through compliments during job interviews and leaving a less than desirable impression? Don't worry, we've all been there! But with a little bit of knowledge and practice, you can learn to deliver compliments with confidence and leave a lasting impression on your interviewer.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about how to compliment correctly during a job interview, including how to research and prepare, what to compliment, and what to avoid. So let's get started on making sure you impress your interviewer with your complimenting skills!

What to Say and How to Say a Compliment

When it comes to delivering compliments during a job interview, it is important to be specific and sincere. Generic or insincere compliments can come across as fake or manipulative, and can actually harm your chances of getting the job. Instead, focus on specific qualities or achievements that you genuinely admire or appreciate. For example, you can compliment the company's innovative approach to problem-solving, or the interviewer's leadership skills and career achievements.

It is also important to pay attention to how you deliver your compliments. A sincere and confident tone can go a long way in making your compliments effective. Add varying tones to sound interesting, as this helps you to avoid sounding too formal or overly casual - this in fact strikes a balance between enthusiasm and professionalism. Consequentially, it adds to the passion and vigour (and makes you sound more intelligent) during an interview.

It is also a good idea to back up your compliments with examples or specific anecdotes, as this can make them more convincing and memorable.

Finally, remember to be gracious and thankful when receiving compliments. It is a good idea to thank the interviewer for their time and consideration, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to join their team. This can go a long way in leaving a positive impression and standing out from the competition. So, always be ready with a compliment and deliver it with grace and sincerity.

Why Complimenting During a Job Interview is Important

Complimenting during a job interview can be a powerful tool to stand out from the competition and leave a positive impression on the interviewer. When done correctly, it shows that you have done your research, found a field your are inclined to (possibly naturally good at) and are genuinely interested in the company and the role.

It also demonstrates your confidence and communication skills, which are important qualities in any job. However, it is important to be cautious and strategic when delivering compliments, as it can easily backfire if done improperly.

How to Research and Prepare for Complimenting

Before the job interview, it is crucial to do your research on the company and the interviewer. This includes looking into their values, mission, and achievements, as well as their personal interests and career history if possible. By understanding what the company and the interviewer value and are proud of, you can tailor your compliments to their specific needs and preferences.

It is also important to avoid generic or insincere compliments, as they can come across as insincere or unauthentic. To combat generic-ness, consider reusing personalised feedback you've previously received. In another piece of content, we talked about how you can write constructive feedback for a mock interview - so use those points to butter up and compliment your interviewer if they demonstrate the same qualities.

Complimenting the Company and Its Culture

One way to compliment the company during a job interview is to highlight aspects of its culture that align with your values and goals. For example, you can mention how the company's focus on sustainability or diversity aligns with your personal beliefs and goals.

It is also a good idea to compliment the company's products or services, as long as you have a genuine understanding of what they offer and how they benefit customers. Avoid over-complimenting or exaggerating, as it can come across as desperate or insincere.

Complimenting the Interviewer and Their Accomplishments

Another way to leave a positive impression during a job interview is to compliment the interviewer and their accomplishments. This can include praising their career achievements, leadership skills, or personal qualities that you admire. Needless to say, you want to avoid mentioning any negativity (rumors, bad press, work investigations, reputation smears) you've heard about your interviewers. Despite it all, it is important to be genuine and avoid flattery whilest making compliments- this means you should not stretch the truth too much in an attempt to get the job, as it can come across as insincere or manipulative. It is also a good idea to compliment the interviewer in a way that relates to the job you are applying for, as it shows that you are interested in working with them and learning from their experience.

Complimenting the Work Industry and Its Challenges

Complimenting the work industry and its challenges can show that you have a deep understanding of the field and are excited to contribute to it. For example, you can mention how you admire the industry's potential for innovation or its impact on society. It is also a good idea to compliment the specific challenges that the industry faces and how you are eager to help solve them. Avoid over-complimenting or pretending to know more than you do, as it can come across as arrogant or untrustworthy.

Other Aspects to Consider When Complimenting

In addition to the above, there are other aspects to consider when delivering compliments during a job interview. For example, it is important to be mindful of your tone and body language, as they can affect how your compliments are perceived. It is also a good idea to balance your compliments with questions and genuine interest in the company and the role, as it shows that you are engaged and proactive. Finally, avoid over-complimenting or talking too much about yourself, as it can come across as self-absorbed or inappropriate.

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