How do you effectively flex your achievements during an interview?

Want to stand out in your next interview? Learn how to effectively showcase your achievements and impress your potential employer! This article has tips and strategies for presenting your successes in a confident and convincing way.

Showing off your grades and trophies in a balanced manner, not too proud and surely not arrogant, is easy.

1. Know your stuff

Goes without being said that your interview prep has to be top notch.

Your research prior to the interview has to have been comprehensive.

Armed with the knowledge, the subject matter you talk about during the interview becomes substantiated and evidence based. This means you aren't bullshitting and spouting nonsense.

You will also be less susceptible to surprises. If most of your friends who has been for the interviewer face a panel interview with multiple observers, then knowing this ahead of time would allow you to be prepared for more eyes and ears during the actual session. The kinds of interview questions you ask could be different

That's incredibly important if you don't want to look like a machine-gun racketeering aimlessly.

2. Don't repeat your resume exactly word-for-word.

All your strengths and achievements are already in your resume. You've communicated them in writing. And the interviewers read it already. So, don't repeat - it is a waste of time.

Repeating (or rehashing) the same info from your CV/resume and duplicating the same thing over and over again is pointless and meaningless. Just like this paragraph.

Instead, try referencing your abilities within the conversation of the interview. For example, if the topic of working hours comes up, you could say something like, "I'm used to getting up early for swim training, so I have no problem coming in early to do some prep work before everyone else arrives." This helps to build rapport and show off your achievements in a natural way.

For people fresh out of school and into the workforce, kids who repeat their first class honours or GPA 4.00 are considered book-smart but not street-smart. Once out of the school dates, you're in the streets. And why would a company want to hire the extreme end of the street-tard?

Don't insult their ability to read your resume.

3. Reference your abilities within the interview conversation

This is what you do. Flex your achievements by subtly referencing them in a natural conversation that has nothing to do with your grades, how you are a national swimmer, instagrammer with 350K followers or a play Apex.

As the topic goes into the job's working hours (for example), you can strike some consensus and build positive rapport. "Oh I used to have my swim training at 5 in the mornings so I'm fine if I need to do up some prep work before everyone comes in. It's like those days I prepped for the nationals."

See that subtle flex?

or like..

"There's no problem with flexi-hours. Back when I did Insta, my friend and I did the video editing for our guest post on weekends after class."

If the interviewers are interested, they may even ask for details. You can flex your achievements even harder after that. Milk it!


"Overtime is a non-issue for me. No problem. Back in school, I volunteered for OT with the AP classes. (AP modules were optional lessons you could take in the U.S.)"

4. Do a subtle referencing, for a big realisation later on

Make use of subtle references for a big self-induced flex

A small reference to your academic achievement is more than sufficient to pique the interviewers' interest. They are likely to relook at your resume if they need more info to connect the dots and when they do, they'll realise!

Make small reference to your academic or professional achievements can pique the interviewers' interest and encourage them to take a closer look at your resume.

Wow! A 4.0 national swimmer, insta-influencer applying for an entry level job? Impressive! (We are exaggerating. Use to a similar effect but not so intense!)


Overall, the key is to balance pride in your achievements with humility. Don't be arrogant, but don't be afraid to show off your successes in a confident and convincing way. With these tips in mind, you'll be sure to make a great impression during your next interview.

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