How to Excel at a College Interview

Are you preparing for a college admissions interview? Our expert guide will show you how to excel and impress the admissions department with your wit and charm. Learn insider tips and tricks to ace your college interview and secure your spot at your dream school!

What to Expect from a College Interview

A college interview is a crucial step in the admissions process for many colleges and universities. It's an opportunity for the admissions department to get to know you better and for you to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and personality.

College interviews can vary in format, but they typically involve a one-on-one conversation with an admissions officer or a current student. In this article, we'll provide some tips on how to prepare for and excel at a college interview.

Research the College and Program

Before your college interview, it's important to do your homework. Research the college and the program you're applying to, and be prepared to discuss why you're interested in attending and what you hope to gain from the experience. This will show the admissions department that you're serious about attending their school and that you have a clear idea of what you want to study.

Prepare for Common Interview Questions

While every college interview is different, there are some common questions that you can expect to be asked. These include questions about your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and future goals. It's a good idea to practice answering these questions out loud, either with a friend or by recording yourself. This will help you to feel more confident and prepared on the day of your interview.

Dress Professionally

First impressions are important, so make sure to dress professionally for your college interview. This means wearing clothes that are clean, well-fitting, and appropriate for the occasion. Avoid wearing clothes that are too casual or revealing, and avoid wearing too much jewelry or makeup. The goal is to look polished and put-together, so that the admissions department takes you seriously.

Be Courteous and Respectful

During your college interview, it's important to be courteous and respectful to the person conducting the interview. This means arriving on time, making eye contact, and using polite language. Avoid being negative or critical of the college, the admissions department, or any other person. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of the college and why you think it would be a good fit for you.

Show Your Personality

A college interview is also an opportunity for you to show your personality. The admissions department wants to get to know you as a person, so don't be afraid to let your true self shine through. This might mean sharing a funny story, talking about your hobbies, or discussing something that you're passionate about. Just make sure to avoid going off on tangents or rambling, and stay focused on the topic at hand.

Ask Questions

At the end of your college interview, you'll likely be given the opportunity to ask questions. This is your chance to learn more about the college and the program you're applying to, and to show that you're interested and engaged.

Prepare a few thoughtful questions in advance, and be ready to ask them during the interview. This will demonstrate your curiosity and your enthusiasm for the college.

Follow Up After the Interview

After your college interview, it's a good idea to follow up with a thank-you note or email. This will show the admissions department that you appreciate the opportunity to interview, and that you're still interested in attending their college. In your thank you note, you can also mention any additional information or materials that you would like to provide, such as a portfolio or a letter of recommendation. This can help to reinforce your interest in the college and to remind the admissions department of your strengths and accomplishments.

Practice and Stay Calm

One of the best ways to excel at a college interview is to practice and stay calm. This means taking the time to prepare and rehearse beforehand, and not getting too anxious or stressed on the day of the interview.

Try to relax and be yourself, and remember that the admissions department is interested in getting to know you and what you have to offer.

Be Honest and Genuine

In a college interview, honesty and genuineness are key. Don't try to be someone you're not, or to exaggerate your achievements or experiences.

The admissions department is looking for real, authentic students who are passionate about their studies and who have the potential to succeed. So be honest, be genuine, and be yourself.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you're feeling nervous or unsure about your college interview, don't be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your guidance counselor, a teacher, or a friend who has been through the process before. They can provide advice and support, and help you to feel more confident and prepared for your interview.

Start by Introducing Yourself

At the beginning of your college interview, you'll likely be asked to introduce yourself. This is your opportunity to provide a brief overview of who you are and what you're interested in. Keep your introduction concise and focused, and avoid going into too much detail. Instead, try to highlight a few key points that will give the admissions department a sense of who you are and what you're passionate about.

Be Prepared to Discuss Your Extracurricular Activities

Another common topic in a college interview is your extracurricular activities. These are the activities that you do outside of school, such as clubs, sports, or volunteer work. Be prepared to discuss the extracurricular activities that you're involved in, and why they are important to you. This will show the admissions department that you are well-rounded and that you are committed to pursuing your interests outside of the classroom.

Talk About Your Future Goals

A college interview is also an opportunity to talk about your future goals. This means discussing what you hope to achieve after college, and how attending the college you're applying to can help you to reach those goals. Be specific and realistic in your goals, and try to provide examples of how you plan to achieve them. This will show the admissions department that you are focused and motivated, and that you have a clear vision for your future.

Discuss Your Academic Interests

Of course, a college interview is also a chance to talk about your academic interests. This means discussing the subjects and courses that you're interested in studying, and why they are important to you.

Be prepared to provide specific examples of how your interests align with the college's programs and course offerings. This will show the admissions department that you are a good fit for their college, and that you are committed to pursuing your studies.

Be Prepared to Discuss Your Grades and Test Scores

Next, you may be asked to discuss your grades and test scores during a college interview. This is an important topic, as your grades and test scores are a key factor in the admissions process. Be prepared to talk about your academic performance, and be honest about any challenges or setbacks that you may have faced. This will show the admissions department that you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and that you are willing to work hard to succeed.

Prepare to Talk About Your Weaknesses

One question you may be asked during a college interview is about your weaknesses. This can be a difficult question to answer, but it's important to be prepared. Instead of trying to avoid the question or to make up a weakness, be honest and genuine.

Discuss a weakness that is relevant to your studies or to your goals, and talk about how you are working to overcome it. This will show the admissions department that you are self-aware and that you are actively trying to improve yourself.

Be Prepared to Discuss Your Strengths

In addition to discussing your weaknesses, you may also be asked to talk about your strengths during a college interview. This is your opportunity to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and unique qualities.

Think about what makes you stand out from other applicants, and be prepared to provide specific examples of your strengths. For instance, you might talk about your leadership skills, your academic achievements, or your passion for a particular subject.

Understand the Importance of the Interview

Finally, it's important to understand the importance of the college interview. This is not just a formality or a courtesy – it's a crucial step in the admissions process, and it can make a big difference in whether or not you are accepted to the college. By preparing for and excelling at your college interview, you can increase your chances of getting accepted and take one step closer to achieving your dreams.


A college interview is an important step in the admissions process, and it's a great opportunity to showcase your skills and personality. By following the tips in this article, you can prepare for and excel at a college interview, and increase your chances of getting accepted to your dream school.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it okay to bring a resume to a college interview?

A: Yes, it's a good idea to bring a resume to a college interview. This will provide the admissions department with a summary of your education, work experience, and extracurricular activities. Be sure to bring several copies of your resume, in case the admissions officer or current student wants to keep one for their records.

Q: How long does a college interview usually last?

A: The length of a college interview can vary, but they typically last between 30 minutes and one hour. Be prepared to spend this amount of time with the admissions department, and try to stay focused and engaged throughout the entire interview.

Q: Can I bring a parent or guardian to a college interview?

A: It's generally not recommended to bring a parent or guardian to a college interview, as the admissions department is looking to get to know you as an individual. However, if you have a disability or a special need that requires a support person, you should contact the admissions department in advance to make arrangements.

Q: Is it okay to ask about financial aid and scholarships during a college interview?

A: Yes, it's perfectly acceptable to ask about financial aid and scholarships during a college interview. In fact, it shows that you're proactive and financially responsible, and that you're serious about attending the college. Be sure to research the financial aid and scholarship options available at the college beforehand, and to ask specific, well-informed questions during the interview.

Q: Can I bring a portfolio or other materials to a college interview?

A: If you have a portfolio, a writing sample, or any other materials that you would like to share with the admissions department, it's okay to bring them to a college interview. However, be sure to check with the admissions department beforehand to make sure that they allow this and to find out how to best present your materials.

Q: Is it okay to follow up with the admissions department after a college interview?

A: Yes, it's a good idea to follow up with the admissions department after a college interview. This can be in the form of a thank-you note or email, and it's a way to show your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and to remind the admissions department of your strengths and accomplishments. Be sure to keep your follow-up brief and polite, and to avoid pestering the admissions department with multiple follow-ups.

Q: What if I don't know the answer to a question during a college interview?

A: If you don't know the answer to a question during a college interview, it's okay to admit it. The admissions department is not looking for perfection, and they understand that you may not know everything. Instead of trying to bluff or make something up, be honest and say that you don't know the answer. This shows that you're willing to be transparent and that you're willing to learn.

Q: Can I bring a list of questions to a college interview?

A: Yes, it's a good idea to bring a list of questions to a college interview. This will help you to stay focused and engaged during the interview, and it will show the admissions department that you're curious and interested in their college. Be sure to prepare your questions in advance, and to tailor them to the specific college and program that you're applying to.

Q: What if I'm not asked any questions during a college interview?

A: If you're not asked any questions during a college interview, it's okay to ask some of your own. This will show the admissions department that you're engaged and interested, and it will give you an opportunity to learn more about the college and the program that you're applying to. Be sure to ask thoughtful, relevant questions, and to avoid asking anything that has already been covered during the interview.

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