How to Improve Work-Life Balance by Scheduling Self-Care Time

Feeling burnt out at work? Our article shows you how to prioritize self-care and achieve a better work-life balance, boosting your productivity!

Balancing work and personal life can be a challenge, but it is important to prioritize self-care in order to improve your work-life balance. In this article, we will provide practical tips on how to schedule time for yourself and take care of your mental and physical well-being. We want you to be strong, stay strong and persevere in trying times - don't throw in the towel so fast, don't be a quitter!

These strategies (below) can help you feel more balanced and fulfilled, whether you are looking to reduce your workload or simply find time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Let's get started on finding ways to improve your work-life balance through self-care.

Identify your priorities and boundaries: What's important?

One of the first steps to improving your work-life balance is to identify your priorities and set boundaries for yourself. This might mean setting limits on the hours you work, saying no to additional projects or tasks, or setting aside specific times for self-care.

For example, if you find that you are consistently working late into the night, you might want to set a hard stop for yourself at a certain time each evening.

Or, if you have trouble saying no to extra work, you might want to practice saying "I'm sorry, I am unable to take on any additional tasks at this time" in order to better protect your time and energy.

Create a daily routine: a rhythm means you have time for things other than work

Establishing a daily routine can help you feel more organized and in control of your time. This might include setting aside time for exercise, meditation, or other self-care activities, as well as scheduling in time for work and personal commitments. For example, you might block off time in the morning for exercise and meditation, schedule work tasks for the majority of the day, and then set aside time in the evening for hobbies or spending time with loved ones. Having a clear routine can help you feel more focused and less overwhelmed.

Make use of technology and tools: digitally assisted

There are many tools and technologies available that can help you stay organized and manage your time more effectively. For example, you might use a time tracking app (even a simple calendar app on your phone works) to better understand how you are spending your time each day, or a project management tool (Asana, Microsoft planners, etc) to help you stay on top of tasks and deadlines. You might also want to consider using a virtual assistant or delegating tasks to free up more time for self-care.

Take breaks and vacation time: intentionally plan lights out hours

It is important to make time for rest and relaxation in order to avoid burnout. This might mean taking regular breaks throughout the day to step away from your work, or scheduling in vacation time to fully unplug and recharge. Purposefully incorporate such short breaks mid-day and longer breaks mid-year.

If you have a hard time taking time off, you might want to set specific goals for yourself (such as completing a certain number of tasks or projects) before allowing yourself to take a break.

Find ways to reduce stress: initiate relief for yourself

Reducing stress is an important part of improving your work-life balance. This might involve finding ways to manage your workload more effectively, seeking support from coworkers or a mentor, or finding healthy outlets for stress such as exercise or hobbies. You might also want to consider seeking support from a therapist or coach if you are struggling to avoid your work-related stress on your own.

Seek support and advice from others: you're never alone

Improving your work-life balance is often a journey, and it can be helpful to seek advice and support from others who have gone through similar experiences. This might mean reaching out to a mentor or seeking out a support group or community of like-minded individuals. You might also want to consider seeking support from a coach or therapist who can help you develop strategies for managing your time and reducing stress.


Improving your work-life balance takes time and effort, but it is worth it for the benefits it brings to your overall well-being and productivity. By identifying your priorities, creating a daily routine, utilizing technology and tools, taking breaks and vacation time, finding ways to reduce stress, and seeking support from others, you can find a better balance between work and personal life.

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