How to include physical activity & exercise while desk bound

Tired of feeling sluggish at work? This article teaches you how to sneak in some physical activity while still being desk bound.

Sitting at a desk all day can be a real drag on your physical health. Not only does it lead to weight gain and a decrease in overall fitness, but it can also lead to aches and pains, stiffness, and even more serious health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

But what can you do if you're stuck at a desk all day and can't get away for a workout? Don't worry, there are still plenty of ways to incorporate physical activity into your workday!

In this article, we'll show you how to sneak in some exercise while still being desk bound. (You'll be amazed at how easy it is!) So let's get moving!

Take a Stand: Standing Desks and Desk Exercises

Standing desks are a simple and effective way to incorporate physical activity into your workday. By standing and working, you can burn more calories and increase your heart rate compared to sitting. Standing desks come in many different forms, from adjustable desks that allow you to switch between sitting and standing, to standing-only desks. If you don't have access to a standing desk, you can try using a high table or countertop to work from. Just be sure to pay attention to your posture and take breaks to stretch and sit down as needed.

In addition to standing desks, there are also many desk exercises you can try to get in some extra movement. These exercises can range from simple stretches to more advanced moves like leg lifts or squats.

You can even invest in a small exercise ball to sit on instead of a chair for some added core stability work. Just be sure to check with your employer first to make sure it's okay to do these exercises at your desk.

Overall, standing desks and desk exercises are great ways to incorporate physical activity into your workday, even if you're stuck at a desk all day. By making a few small changes to your workspace, you can increase your energy, burn more calories, and improve your overall health.

Get Up and Walk: Walking Meetings and Walking Breaks

Walking meetings and walking breaks are another simple way to incorporate physical activity into your workday. Instead of sitting in a conference room or at your desk for meetings, try having a walking meeting instead. This can be as simple as taking a stroll around the office or going for a walk outside. Not only will this help you get in some extra steps, but it can also help stimulate creativity in your conversations and problem-solving skills in projects. Just be sure to bring along a notepad or phone to take notes if needed.

If you don't have the option for a walking meeting, try taking regular walking breaks throughout the day. Just a few minutes of walking can help boost your energy and clear your mind. This can be as simple as taking a lap around the office or going for a quick walk outside - this helps you manage your workload so you are in generally better health. Just be sure to let your coworkers know where you're going so they don't think you're ditching work.

To rekindle the previous point about standing desks, consider putting a treadmill under it! Walk in a stationary position, instead of merely standing at the desk!

Another idea is to bring in a small set of dumbbells or resistance bands to use during breaks or lunchtime. You can also try doing some bodyweight exercises like squats or push-ups while you're at your desk. The key is to get creative and find ways to fit in some extra movement throughout the day.

Overall, walking meetings and walking breaks are great ways to incorporate physical activity into your workday without disrupting your work schedule. So next time you're feeling sluggish at work, try getting up and moving around for a few minutes. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel!

Take the Stairs: Stair Climbing for Extra Movement

If you work in an office building with multiple floors, consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Not only is this a great way to get in some extra movement, but it can also help improve your cardiovascular health. Just a few flights of stairs can provide a great cardiovascular workout, especially if you do them at a fast pace. If you're feeling ambitious, you can even try doing some stair exercises like step-ups or lunges. Just be sure to check with your employer first to make sure it's okay to use the stairs for exercise (not to make it too awkward!).

In addition to the physical benefits, taking the stairs can also help save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. Elevators use a lot of energy, so using the stairs instead can help reduce your office's energy usage. Just be sure to pay attention to your surroundings and watch your step to avoid accidents.

Overall, there are many creative ways to incorporate physical activity into your workday. The key is to find what works best for you and your schedule, and to be willing to try new things.

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