How To Optimize Your Job Postings For Better Results

Are you looking for better results from your job postings? Check out these tips on how to optimize your postings for improved performance.

How To Optimize Your Job Postings For Better Results

Are you looking for ways to optimize your job postings for better results? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll share with you some tips and tricks on how to optimize your job postings to attract more responses, get more resume from potential applicants and increase hire rate.

Use keyword-rich titles that accurately describe the position

To optimize your job postings for better results, use keyword-rich titles that accurately describe the position.

This will help potential candidates find your posting more easily and ensure that they are applying for a role that is a good fit for their skills. There are 4 key ideas to help you use great keywords in your job posts to make them better optimised.

Prongs to Optimise Keywords in Job Posts

Why is using a keyword-rich title better for your job post?

Keyword-rich titles help to accurately describe the position and make your content more specific and relevant.

By using relevant wordings in your job postings, it helps your content appear more often in search results.

More relevant results show up higher in results page, making it easier for candidates to find your company, your content and ultimately you.

Plus, most candidates skim through hundreds of job posts. If your post is too wordy, it becomes hard to understand. These unoptimised posts get skipped.

How to include keywords in your job post?

The relevant keywords depends on the role you’re trying to fill, as well as location and other important details.

  1. Keep the title brief and attention-grabbing: The title of your posting should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should grab the reader's attention and give them an idea of what the position is about.
  2. Use keyword rich descriptions: In order to ensure that your posting comes up in relevant searches, use keywords throughout the description that accurately reflect the position.

There are a few different ways to include keywords in your job posting. One way is to simply list them out in the body of the posting. For example, if you're looking for a web developer, you might list "HTML," "CSS," and "JavaScript" as desired skills or qualifications.

You can also mention key words throughout the description of what the position entails. In addition, using keyword-rich titles for your positions can also help improve their visibility on both job boards and search engines.

Include salary information and other benefits in the posting

If you want to optimize your job postings for better results, make sure to include salary information and other benefits in the posting.

Omitting this information can dissuade potential candidates from applying, as they may feel undervalued or that their time is being wasted.

Furthermore, including this information shows that you are a company that is willing to be transparent about its compensation practices, which can help build trust with potential employees.

Be extra, crystal clear about the qualifications and experience required for the position

Ding-dong communication wastes everyone's time, so being absolutely transparent what each end expects is the best way to optimize your postings for better results.

If a company is looking for a certain type of employee with specific requirements (e.g. flexi-work or flexi-hour arrangements) or qualifications, they should be upfront about it in the posting.

Conversely, if an applicant applies for a position that they're overqualified for, the employer might get cold feet and not hire them. This is the same goes for job seekers; if you don't meet the requirements, don't apply.

How to bring superb clarity to your job posting

  1. Be specific about what you are looking for: Include key industry terms, qualification names, skill tier (grade or levels) and depth that detail the skills and experience required for the position.
  2. Use bullet points: Breaking down information into manageable chunks makes it easier for readers to digest. Short sentences rock.
  3. Outline duties and responsibilities: Clearly state what duties and responsibilities come with the role so there are no surprises down the road for either party involved

Other minor things you can do to improve your job postings

  • Use eye-catching visuals, including images, infographics, and videos, to break up text and make your postings more engaging.
  • Make it easy for applicants to apply by including a link to an online application form or providing contact information so they can get in touch with someone directly.


In summary, following these steps when creating a job posting will result in better results overall.

By being clear and concise about what is required for the position, you will be able to weed out unqualified candidates from the start.

In addition, using keywords throughout your postings will help ensure that it is picked up by search engines. For example, using related words such as kanban, fostering participation, teamwork, facilitating or hosting, coordinating groups, etc. bring the idea that you are looking for someone with significant collaboration skills. Such related terms will be seen by job applicants who are actively searching for jobs that match their skillset.

Finally, taking the time to create visuals - an appealing and eye-catching posting will make it more likely to stand out amongst the sea of other job postings online.

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