Interviewing Tips: Questions That Can Throw You Off

Interviewing Tips: Questions That Can Throw You Off
Types of interview questions that can surprise candidates.

This article shares the most difficult (but general) questions an interviewee can face in an interview. The questions are posed mainly to distinguish the best person for the job, out of the final few shortlisted people. Giving the correct answers to these challenging questions will be invaluable to outshine your competition and land the open position.

Interview role reversal

The interviewer gets the candidate to swap seats

You’re Interviewing for an Open Position

One of the most common questions that interviewers ask is, "Why do you want to work here?" This question can be difficult to answer because it's a very different inquiry than what most applicants are used to. So, what should you do? You should prepare your response in advance so that you don't leave feeling like you didn't give a good answer. It’s always important to know how you will respond when someone asks you a question before it actually happens. And this is especially true for open positions where there aren’t any other candidates to hear your response. To prepare for this type of scenario, think about why you’re applying for the job and why they need someone with your skillset in their company. Focus on these key points as well as the company culture, company mission, and anything else that might resonate with them.

You Discussed Your Company’s Culture in the Interview

This is where you need to start thinking about how the new hire will fit into your company’s culture. We recommend going over your company’s values, mission, and vision with the candidate. This might give them a better understanding of what it means to be a part of your team and how they’re going to contribute. But, if you can get the candidate on board before the interview, it will make for a smoother transition.

The Final Round of Questions Is About Something Other than the Vacant Position

This is the easiest one to avoid. Be clear on your interviewers’ role and what they are looking for during your conversation. If you know your interviewer’s main objectives, it will help you to have a better idea of how to answer their questions and a better chance at securing the position! What did they talk about? If this is the first time you are interviewing for a specific position, try to be as detailed as possible about what exactly you were doing before you left your last job. If this is not your first interview for that position, and you want to show that you have a lot more experience than what is listed on your resume, go over all of the duties that came with the previous jobs as well. Did they give any reason as to why they couldn’t continue to work together? Did it sound like they were being stuck in a rut or were looking for some direction? Sometimes when people need some guidance, it can be in the form of feedback from others — which can likely lead into an opportunity for a different career path altogether. This might just be something that will end up helping them get their groove back and let loose again. Be sure to ask if there was anything specific that was going on during their last job or experience that caused them to leave.

The Interviewer Suddenly Changes Tasks Near the End

The interviewer suddenly changes tasks near the end of the interview. You've spent the last hour or two with this person interviewing about their experience, which is something you're really interested in hearing about. This person went into detail about their past work experiences and you're finally starting to feel a connection with them. Suddenly, they change gears and ask you what your favorite photography app is. Now it’s time for them to show some creativity! They ask you to come up with an idea of what the company should do next. You get stuck on “I don’t know” but they insist that you provide an answer right away — so now what? You are at a loss for words because you didn't prepare for this scenario, which is where it becomes difficult to keep yourself from getting frustrated with this person. If you were prepared for this type of task change, then no problem — just follow along and see if you can think of anything off-the-cuff that would provide some insight as to why they might be asking these types of questions near the end of an interview. If not, then try to remember that this person is trying to get a sense as to whether or not they would be a good fit for your company (and vice versa). Try not to take things personally and keep these questions in perspective: after all, they may be asking these questions because they want help deciding on whether or not this job is going to be a good

The Interviewer Misses a Key Question at the Beginning

If you're interviewing for a job, you probably want to make sure that you ask all the important questions. But some of them can be tricky to get at first. For instance, it's easy to forget what your interviewer's name is during an interview. Many times, an interviewer will start with a question like "what do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?" but then they'll quickly follow up with a request for one-on-one time without the candidate answering their original question. You might not even realize what happened until it's too late because they're already pushing on to the next topic! To stay on track and avoid any confusion, prepare ahead of time by making sure you have a list of all the questions that need to be asked in order. This way you won't have to fumble through your notes trying to remember what was said about each one.


Interviewing is one of the most important posts of your life. Step one: make sure you’re prepared. Step two: stay focused. Step three: don’t be shy. Step four: stay calm. Step five: keep your cool. Step six: remember, you’re interviewing for a job, not trying to become friends.


What are the benefits of bringing in a new hire?

The benefits of bringing in a new hire are limitless. First and foremost, you’re creating a team that’s a better fit. If you have a more experienced employee who can help teach your new hire everything they need to know, your team will be more effective. Plus, they'll be more likely to succeed because they'll already know what to expect. Second, you’re creating an energy level throughout your entire company that’s almost impossible to replicate. When employees are excited to be working in the same room together each day, it shows in their work product and collaboration with other teams. Finally, you’ll have access to valuable information that your new hire brought from their previous company. This will allow you to make better hiring decisions for other positions at your company moving forward.

How will a new hire help you achieve your goals?

The new hire will have access to invaluable information from their former colleagues, both positive and negative. On the positive side, they know exactly what their former colleagues like and dislike about the company and its culture. They can use this information to better connect with their new coworkers and make a more positive first impression. On the negative side, they know exactly what their former colleagues like and dislike about the company and its culture. They can use this information to undermine their new coworkers or play the victim. The bottom line is that you’re hiring for a specific skill set, not for personality traits. It doesn’t matter if your new hire is happy or unhappy in their current situation — your goal is to get the job done, not to make your new hire feel at home. In short, you want your new hire to do whatever it takes to make sure that the team gets everything done on time (and on budget).

How will a new hire improve your team's productivity?

The best way for a new hire to improve your team’s productivity is by demonstrating initiative, initiative and drive. A new hire should quickly identify what is working well in your company, and what needs to be improved. They should also help their new team members understand the role’s unique challenges and opportunities. Ultimately, it’s up to you and the rest of your team to make the improvements happen. But, a new hire’s input will certainly help you on the path to doing so.

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