Resume Examples: List of Leadership & Power Words

• List of Leadership Words • List of Power Words • Related: Adjectives & Verbs to Use, Strengths & Weaknesses, Showing Leadership in Your Essay Submission

Resume Examples: List of Leadership & Power Words
List of leadership and power words you can include in your resume

Leadership and power words highlight strengths that are advantageous to include in your resume. There may be some overlap between leadership and power words due to the similarity in the meaning of the words. Nevertheless, you should include both categories of words in your resume.

List of Leadership Words & Phrases to Use in Your Resume:

  1. Focused
  2. Project Management and Planning
  3. Ability to Adapt
  4. Results-Oriented
  5. Excellent Communicator
  6. In-Demand Skills
  7. Creative Problem Solving
  8. Collaboration Oriented
  9. Intellect and Analytical Thinking
  10. Self-Directed Learning
  11. Team Player or Team Member Skills
  12. Public Speaking Experience
  13. Multi-Tasking Skills
  14. Industry Knowledge
  15. Team Building Self-starter
  16. Natural Salesperson/Competitive Personality with Persuasive Skills
  17. Business Owner
  18. Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Skills
  19. Bilingual Skills (Mandarin/English) & Computer Knowledge
  20. Understanding of Customer Needs/Interpersonal Skill

List of Power Words & Phrases to Use in Your Resume:

  1. Commitment
  2. Self-Confidence
  3. Team Player/Teamwork
  4. People Skills or Personal Skills
  5. Outstanding Performance
  6. Results-Oriented/Results Driven
  7. Motivated and Driven to Achieve
  8. Challenge Oriented/Sense of Urgency/Proactive Approach
  9. Good Communication Skills and Problem Solving Ability
  10. Effectiveness in Solving Problems and Challenging Situations
  11. Strong Work Ethic/Hardworking
  12. Good Collaborator/Team Player
  13. Initiative
  14. Ability to Handle Pressure/Ability to Handle Under Pressure
  15. Ability to Meet Deadlines
  16. Initiative and Self-starter
  17. Natural Leader
  18. Can-Do Attitude & Problem Solver
  19. High Level of Integrity or Honesty
  20. Ability to Handle Multiple Tasks and People
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