Perfect jobs never exist because the best job is not to need one

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Perfect jobs never exist because the best job is not to need one
Jobs were never made to be perfect. If jobs were flawless, then work would be easy and there will be no need for employees.

Many people believe that we live in an era where the world is automating away human jobs. From self-checkout machines to artificial intelligence and robotics, new technologies make it easier for businesses to replace workers with machines. This has created a widespread cynicism towards the future of work — and the existence of so-called “salary jobs” in the future.

Some have even gone as far on say that this will be permanent. Employees are worried about keeping their jobs as they are. Will they work in a year's time? What does this mean for your life and career going forward?

Practical reasons why bosses create job openings - because they don’t want to do them

The first and most obvious reason why jobs are created is for the boss to make money. If a boss has something that needs to be done and they don’t want to do it themselves, they will generate a job opening for someone else. Someone else does the work.

And that someone becomes an employee (usually).

This can take the form of an in-house position, an employee or contractor with flexible hours, freelancer, or even a temporary position for someone else.

If the boss could do and wanted to do all the work himself, he probably would - as it saves him money. A boss wouldn't have to pay others thousands to do the work.

Jobs aren’t fun; the idea of an exciting career is a marketing pitch to attract people to fill empty job openings

One of the most misunderstood aspects of jobs is that they aren’t fun. No matter how enjoyable your office is, or how many perks you get, in the end you’re still working for someone else.

An employee is unlikely to be rich. An employee will just go on selling his time, day after day, week after week, for a paycheck at the end of the month. This work cycle is what we call a career to be. A career is a steady paycheck and health benefits, which we exchange our time and potential opportunities.

It is perfectly fine not to have the dream job now since the world constantly changes. What you think is an attractive role now can get overturned.

The world is permanently changing. And this means we have to be ready for anything. They argue that it is better to not settle on a job that you do like now. Instead, see what opportunities are available in the future. This can be especially true if you want to pursue something more creative or entrepreneurial, since your skills could be obsolete in a few years.

The question then becomes: what does this mean for your life and career going forward? How can you thrive on a planet where most jobs seem bound to become obsolete? What should you do if you don’t want a salary job?

People fear change.

And whatever that seems attractive to do today may not be that hot thing tomorrow.

Some people end up spearheading their own businesses. Others continue hunting for a challenging and meaningful career. Along the way, people give up on one industry. They may change careers entirely and do something completely different with life.

Relook again. Their "adaptation" through entrepreneurship, job hopping or mid-career switches, in fact, show that there is no perfect job. No dream job. Rather, the very root cause people can't stay still is that their perspective changes. What's good yesterday, isn't good now. So they stop, change direction and switch tracks towards another path that (they think can) bring a brighter future.

Next best option to a perfect job is working at a place you can tolerate and still earns you a paycheck.

Eventually as you work for others or start a business of your own, you will realise a perfect job is hard to come by. Or, this perfect job may not even exist.

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Then, it is likely your next logical thought is to find the next best option.

Look, people have different work experience, family backgrounds and education level. Each person thus has an individual profile. This profile (in your resume) is characteristic of the skills and past work experience. It could bring one person ahead of another. This is especially so in a competitive environment and it very much applies to finding work at a place where you are okay to work in.

To find tolerable paid work, there are a few general steps.

  1. First, take a step back and think about what really matters in life.
  2. It’s likely that you want to find work that aligns with your values, pays well, and is not overly stressful.
  3. If this sounds like what you want, next, look for a job that will allow you to express your passions.
  4. If you love doing something for work but it isn’t your full-time job, look for a company that supports turning that passion into your business.
  5. Where possible, seek for “recession proof” jobs and learn how to become more efficient with them. These are jobs that are necessary worldwide even if financial markets collapse. Examples: nurse, tutor, translator.

The best job is one that you can accept the stress that comes with the money.

The best job is one that you can accept the stress that comes with the money. This means knowing what your strengths are. Then using it to your advantage in finding a position where those strengths can be leveraged for greatest efficiency.

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More than anything, this means we simply have to accept new jobs and adapt to changing times.

For example, you are skilled in writing but struggle with math. It  makes sense to seek out a position where your writing skills are more important than your math skills.

You could even look into freelancing or doing contract work online to find steady income without the pressure of having a set schedule or boss.

If you're good at managing others or improving processes within an industry, it would make sense to find a position where you can do that on a larger scale rather than being stuck in one role every day.

Employees who choose to job hop are unlikely to find the greenest pasture. Another company will always advertise itself as better.

If you are thinking about changing your career, it might be worth considering what the future for your current job will be.

There might not be a lot of competition for jobs, but that doesn't mean that there isn't going to be a lot more competition for employees.

The question is then:

  • How do you stand out?
  • How do you get noticed?
  • How do you get hired?
  • At what point do you realize that "perfect jobs never exist because the best job is not to need one?"

Why is the best job is to not have a job?

Some experts argue that the best job is not to need one. The exchange of time for money is never worth it. When you have a job, you work for money but give up time to your boss.

However, no matter how much money you earn, you can never buy back the time you've used and sold to your boss.

Thus, the luxury of having time is one of the most valuable assets. Bosses have the most luxury of time because they work less, have more of their own time.

They also get to pursue their passions with the time they do not give up and get to spend more time on pursuits like family and friends. It is said to bring more meaning to human life to have such freedom, without having a need for a job.

Will quitting satisfy me if I hate working?

If you're not happy with your career and you don't like what you do, quitting is an easy way to relieve the stress. Quitting can make you feel better about yourself.

However, if that's all it does for you—if quitting makes you feel better but doesn't solve any underlying problems—then it might be time for a change.

This might seem like the only option, but in reality, there are plenty of ways to make a living without being tied down by traditional work. It matters on what your priorities lie. For example, some people work on their own as freelancers so they have free time to do other things they want to do and reorganise work however they like it.

Freelancing provides flexibility and freedom that people simply can’t get from a traditional employment situation. Quitting and working for yourself whenever you want allows you to focus on things you love. Plus, you still make money doing it.

Others find success through entrepreneurship or lifestyle businesses such as blogging or social media consulting.

You might be uncertain of which path is the best for you and your career. Should it be freelancing? Finding a better job? Requesting for a change in department within your current organisation? Consider consulting a career coach who's aim is to help you. A coach sits down with you to explore opportunities available and see which suits you.

Still others work remotely in other countries. Overseas where they can earn more money by working fewer hours and get paid in local currency. Some currencies are stronger, so they bring more money home.

And finally, some people find success through unconventional jobs such as becoming an Uber driver or by running their own movie theatre.

All of these types of jobs have their benefits and drawbacks, which is why no one solution will suit everyone’s needs perfectly. It’s important to carefully consider what type of job is right for you before jumping into anything too quickly though!

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