Putting in Your Two Weeks Notice without Revealing Your Reason for Leaving

Even though employees are compelled to give reasons for their exit and HR often pushes for them, there is no basis for bosses to demand an explanation for them leaving.

Putting in Your Two Weeks Notice without Revealing Your Reason for Leaving
Photo by Alex Radelich / Unsplash

Even though employees are compelled to give reasons for their exit and HR often pushes for them, there is no basis for bosses to demand an explanation for them leaving.

Why Employees Leave and "Throw their Letter"

There are two major reasons people are likely to want to leave their jobs in any industry. The first is that you're feeling stagnant and uninspired. You know you have the potential to learn something new, but your boss doesn't seem to “get” it. The second reason for wanting to leave your job is that they aren't paying you what you deserve.

However, most employees choose not to reveal their reasons for exiting employment and for some very good reasons, people opt to keep their mouths shut. There's a lot of wisdom in knowing how to handle a situation to protect your interests and rights.

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Template Phrases and Samples of Resignation Letters

Example 1

This letter is to inform you that I am resigning my position with [Company Name] effective [date]. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you and the rest of the staff at [Company Name] and wish you nothing but continued success. I'm appreciative of all the opportunities that you have given me during my employment here.

Example 2

I am resigning from my position at [Company Name]. I have thought long and hard about this decision, and I feel it is the right time to move on. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your guidance and support during all of my years with your company. Please know that I will always remember the time that we spent working together. I would be serving my two weeks notice period, starting today and my last day of work will be on [date].

Example 3

This letter is to inform you that effective immediately I am leaving my position as [Position Name] here at [Company Name]. I am grateful for the opportunity you have given me to work in a fast-paced and demanding environment. I will always remember the many challenges I've encountered and overcome over the past two years. As I understand that my notice period is half a month, I will continue to report to work as per usual until [date].

Avoiding the Topic of "Why are you leaving us"

In all three resignation letter examples in the previous section, the topic of why you are leaving your job and the company is clearly omitted.

Though you may not want to reveal your reasons for termination, HR could be interested in doing some detective work on behalf of the management.

How you can approach questions about your exit from the company

  • If you ever face the situation where your HR manager asks "Why are you leaving us?" you should give a truthful answer, but without revealing any details. For instance, "I'm leaving to pursue opportunities elsewhere in the industry." Keep it short and polite as possible. Your objective is to get out cleanly, not create an enemy or two along the way.
  • Remember to refrain from badmouthing other colleagues, especially your direct manager. Your objective is to get out cleanly, not create an enemy or two along the way.
  • Refrain from speaking. If you really want to maintain a professional relationship with your HR manager or make sure that they don't follow up on your resignation letter asking for additional questions (when you haven't given them any details regarding them)


It is important to understand that you do not have to report every single decision you make to your bosses when it comes to your personal choice of where you want to work, who you want to work for and when you start work. Be answerable to yourself and remaining firm when you resign from your job. Remember, it's your life.

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