Questions Interviewees Can Ask Back In Response

• Questions for Job Applicants to Ask Interviewers • Sample Ability & Potential Questions • Company Culture Fit • Behavioural & Expectation • Work From Home Arrangement

Questions Interviewees Can Ask Back In Response
You should ask your interviewers to find out things that will affect your decision if you were offered

With work from home as a norm now, interviews are also held online via Zoom or a phone call. With less opportunity to show your best qualities in-person, we want to ask brilliant questions both as an interviewee and interviewer.

We are pretty sure you have done some homework in preparation for the questions the interviewers may ask you, but you should also flip the tables around and prepare to shoot them a few questions of your own.

Most Common Interview Questions & How to Answer Them
• Give a 30 Second Introduction• Why You Think You Are Qualified• Initiative & Goals• What Others Say About You• What Kind of Person Are You• Why Did You Quit

Questions for Job Applicants to Ask Interviewers

Here is a list of great questions for you to ask the interviewer and push conversations further.

These questions primarily help you evaluate if the other party is a good fit for you and for interviewees, what your potential career trajectory might look like.

Sample Ability & Potential Questions

  • What does your career path look like in 6 months? In 1 year? In 3 years? Is there a proposed career map for this position and what can I do to keep on track?
  • Does the company practice parallel departmental shifts if I am unable to perform in the role after the training or probation period?
  • What are the defined KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for this role? Can you explain how my performance will be measured and how an annual review will look like in this role after 6 months? I hope to work towards exceeding your expectations in every respect.
  • What are short and long-term success stories from previous employees?
  • If there is an opportunity of training or certifications, for instance, I would like to know if the organization would be willing to fund such opportunities.
  • Can you tell me about your immediate team and who will I be working with for day-to-day responsibilities of the job? Will this person (mention a name) be my future manager?

Sample Company Culture Fit Questions

  • Many of our employees enjoy canoeing. As I am not too inclined on canoeing specifically and my physical hobbies gear towards tennis, I am slightly concerned about the social fit. Are there any programs designed for newcomer integration?
  • As the staff in your Broadway office are predominantly males, what are the ways females like us can navigate about the workplace? Or should I be even concerned?
  • How often does the CEO address the staff?
  • Can you share with me the culture of this organization and how it will enable my success as a professional contributor and/or a team player?
  • Does the company have a coaching and mentoring system? I would like to be onboard this scheme so I can learn as much as possible from senior staff and the experienced people in the company.

Sample Behavioural & Expectation Questions

  • As I've heard that our competitors take a firm approach to customers when it comes to service agreements, generally, do we act in the same way? Or are we more flexible and more geared toward preserving a healthy working relationship?
  • Am I expected to drink with our clients?
  • Am I expected to work overtime or are we results-driven?
  • What does collaboration look like for you? (Pose this question to the hiring manager, and not HR, since HR wouldn't know the day to day aspects.)
  • How do you envision this role shaping my career in the long run? How do you think this role will be adapted in the short term?
  • Did I come across as confident and enthusiastic for this role? How would you rate my performance during the interview? Did I do well to distinguish myself from other candidates? (You can ask these questions directly - it will surprise them, but it is a great early gauge to the chances at the job)

Sample Work From Home Arrangement Questions

  • While working from home, are all employees expected to be kept contactable at all times or is self-reporting practiced?
  • Will there be any incentives for employees to refit their own homes to a more office-focused setup? Ergonomic setups can cost a pretty penny but I believe the company values the health of the staff.
  • As a manager, how should I keep tabs on my charges (or subordinates) while working away from office? Will conference calls on Zoom be sufficient, or am I able to activate my team to return to the workplace for face-to-face meetings when the coronavirus situation improves?
  • Is there any estimate on when and how often we need to resume commuting/travelling to office?
  • What do most employees at the office feel about remote work and will the company be shifting to WFH as the norm in future?

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