Resume Examples: List of Adjectives & Verbs

• What Are Adjectives & Verbs • Why Use Adjectives & Verbs in Your Resume? • 120+ Examples to Use in Your Resume

What Are Adjectives, Verbs and Why Use Them in Your Resume?

An adjective is an attribute, quality, or characteristic. Examples of adjectives are large, red and beautiful. A verb is a word which denotes action or state of being. Using adjectives in your resume emphasizes your skills, knowledge, and abilities. Using adjectives throughout your resume is a great way to highlight your accomplishments and give the person assessing your job application a better idea of who you are and what you can do.

Verbs help your resume by providing the person reading it with an image or idea of what you did. Verbs can be used as action verbs, which describes what you did, for example: "I led a team of people in improving customer service", or used as a result verb, which describes the outcome of what you did, for example: "The team improved its customer satisfaction scores by 20 percent". There are times when an action verb is appropriate and a result verb is appropriate. Always use verbs that best describe your achievements and skills to give the reader an idea of what you can do based on your qualifications.

Examples of Verbs (Descriptive Words and Phrases) to Use in Your Resume:

  1. I lead. Example: "I lead a team of ten people in designing and developing a new website for the firm."
  2. I manage. Example: "I manage 30 people in developing and maintaining the firm's website."
  3. I oversee. Example: "I oversee all of our systems and our employees in their work."
  4. I provide. Example: "I provide all administrative, financial, and technical support to the development team."
  5. I train new employees. Example: "I train our new employees in our internal policies and procedures."
  6. I inform. Example: "I inform customers of the firm's website launch schedule."
  7. I guide. Example: "I guide customers in finding information they need on the firm's website."
  8. I facilitate. Example: "I facilitate regular meetings between our development team and clients to ensure all development work meets clients' needs."
  9. I implement new technologies for the business. Example: "I implement new technologies for our company's website design."
  10. I optimize. Example: "I optimize our marketing campaigns by providing good customer support and getting customers to provide testimonials for us."
  11. I raise sales by working with our marketing team to develop creative ideas, and setting up meetings with clients to present them. Example: "I raised sales by 15 percent in my first six months."
  12. I research new business opportunities for the firm. Example: "I researched new business opportunities for the business."
  13. I regularly communicate with customers. Example: "I regularly communicate with my customers to update them of the firm's progress."
  14. I handle complaints and handle problems efficiently and effectively to ensure customer satisfaction. Example: "I solve problems promptly and efficiently ensuring customer satisfaction."
  15. I develop leads. Example: "I developed new leads for our sales team by providing good customer service."
  16. I develop marketing plans for the management - targeting our primary target markets in 160 different cities around the world, including major cities such as Houston, Chicago, Dallas, London, New York City, Singapore, Tokyo and Toronto. Example: "I developed a marketing plan that targeted major cities around the world."
  17. I launch new products and services. Example: "I launched two new products in the last three years and our clients love them."
  18. I create sales proposals. Example: "I create sales proposals for our clients using our marketing plan to ensure they have all the information they need to make an informed decision."
  19. I research different markets and countries to find new opportunities to expand our business in the future and develop new innovative products for our clients. Example: "I research different markets and countries worldwide, identifying markets we can sell into in the next 5, 10 or 20 years."
  20. I travel a lot internationally. Example: "I travel a lot internationally, which makes me a great representative for the firm."
  21. I multitask. Example: "I multitask when working on complex tasks to ensure that all is done correctly and efficiently."
  22. I motivate. Example: "When working with interns or co-workers, I developed an innovative project management plan that they all enjoyed."
  23. I help my colleagues develop their career. Example: "I help my colleagues develop their careers by providing training for new employees and helping them grow as professionals in marketing and sales."
  24. I increase sales by providing excellent customer service, proving that our company is reliable and trustworthy to do business with, proving our product or service is better than our competition's. Example: "I increased sales from $12 million to $20 million in the last five years."
  25. I provide information in a way that is easy to understand. Example: "I present technical data in a way that is very easy to understand for the general public."
  26. I assist the company during times of crisis. Example: "I assist the company during times of crisis in corporate restructuring by performing my job well even when deadlines are tight or we are working under stressful conditions."
  27. I represent the firm well at trade shows. Example: "I represent the firm at trade shows and other events, by knowing the firm's products, services, and reputation inside out."
  28. I handle customers' complaints. Example: "I handle customer complaints quickly and effectively to ensure that they are satisfied with our products or services."
  29. I manage our firm's advertising and marketing campaigns. Example: "I managed our firm's advertising and marketing campaigns by sending out monthly newsletters and managing our social media accounts."
  30. I set up all the technical equipment. Example: "I set up all the technical equipment, telephones, computer systems in my office to ensure they are running smoothly."
  31. I develop new ideas. Example: "I developed a new idea that reduced production costs by 20 percent."
  32. I plan the firm's strategies. Example: "I planned the firm's strategies to increase sales and revenue growth, such as revamping our website and launching a new product."
  33. I manage our firm's database. Example: "I manage our firm's database of clients ensuring they are receiving good value for money."
  34. I handle administrative tasks. Example: "I handle administrative tasks efficiently in an organized manner to ensure that everything runs smoothly in the office."
  35. I plan for other offices & work locations. Example: "I planned marketing strategies for different regions of the world."
  36. I analyze our company's strengths and weaknesses. Example: "I analyzed our company's strengths and weaknesses—as well as those of our competitors—to develop critical competitive advantages."
  37. I conduct research on the available market information. Example: "I conduct research on market data to identify growth opportunities in new markets."
  38. I plan events. Example: "I planned events such as product launches and conferences to launch new products or initiatives before the media, investors and clients."
  39. I manage our firm's social media accounts. Example: "I manage our firm's social media accounts promoting different client products or services."
  40. I coordinate all aspects of the company's activities. Example: "I coordinate all aspects of the company's activities—and those of its partners, suppliers or distributors—in relation to sales, production, marketing and delivery of goods and services."
  41. I raise money from investors and secure funding. Example: "I raised $1 million in funding from angel investors by attending investment conferences, designing promotional materials and preparing investor presentations."
  42. I plan for the future of the company. Example: "I plan for the future of the company by monitoring and analyzing competitors' activities and consumer trends and behaviors."
  43. I manage salespeople. Example: "I manage the sales team, associates and temporary staff to ensure that they are reaching their sales quotas, keeping their clients satisfied with our products or services and accurately recording all transactions on an ongoing basis."
  44. I manage the company's finances. Example: "I manage the company's finances, by calculating costs, analyzing operating budgets and planning for profitable growth."
  45. I plan our firm's supply chain. Example: "I plan our firm's supply chain by coordinating with all suppliers to ensure goods are delivered on time, in good condition and within the agreed budget or price."
  46. I handle contract negotiations. Example: "I handle contract negotiations with clients and suppliers on behalf of the company."
  47. I produce reports related to our business results or operations. Example: "I produce reports related to our business results or operations, analyzing financial transactions and providing feedback on potential improvements."
  48. I run the day-to-day operations of the company. Example: "I run the day-to-day operations of the company by organizing meetings, managing our firm's finances, and ensuring that all responsibilities have been properly delegated."
  49. I develop our firm's mission statement. Example: "I developed our company's mission statement by adding vision statements and values to make it easy for clients to see how we can help them profitably."
  50. I point out potential opportunities. Example: "I point out potential opportunities by conducting market research and analyzing financial statements."
  51. I negotiate with suppliers and vendors. Example: "I negotiate with suppliers and vendors to obtain the best prices on equipment, materials, and supplies to ensure profitability."
  52. I coordinate meetings or conferences. Example: "I coordinate meetings or conferences to ensure that all attendees are properly informed of important developments, changes or initiatives."
  53. I coach our firm's sales force. Example: "I coach our firm's sales force on how to effectively sell our products or services."
  54. I manage budgets. Example: "I manage budgets by monitoring cash flow and preparing monthly financial reports for investors and clients."
  55. I analyze our firm's risks. Example: "I analyze risks when planning for new initiatives, ventures and acquisitions by conducting a full risk assessment, identifying all potential factors that could affect production, delivery or the quality of any products or services we are providing customers."
  56. I inspect facilities and equipment. Example: "I inspect facilities and equipment to ensure the firm meets government regulations or industry standards."
  57. I plan the firm's cash flow. Example: "I plan the firm's cash flow by monitoring operating expenses, paying bills on time and planning for any necessary adjustments to the budget."
  58. I meet with clients, vendors or other outside suppliers. Example: "I meet with clients, vendors or other outside suppliers to secure their business by promoting our products or services."
  59. I authorize and sign checks. Example: "I authorize and sign checks, ensuring that all payments are correct and accurate."
  60. I manage our firm's system of accounts. Example: "I manage our firm's system of accounts by ensuring all transactions are properly recorded on an ongoing basis."
  61. I manage human resources of the company. Example: "I manage human resources of the company by hiring employees to meet the needs of the company's clients, vendors or suppliers."
  62. I change our company's business plan to adapt to the market. Example: "I change our firm's business plan by incorporating new ideas into our vision statements and values so that it is easy for clients to see how we can help them profitably."
  63. I maintain the firm's IT systems. Example: "I maintain our firm's IT systems by ensuring they are operating properly and protecting them from potential security breaches."
  64. I handle client relations. Example: "I handle client relations by scheduling meetings, tracking progress and checking on project status.
  65. I inspect products to monitor quality. Example: "I inspect products to monitor quality by examining and monitoring equipment, supplies or the production of goods."
  66. I manage our firm's online reputation. Example: "I manage our firm's online reputation by focusing on customer satisfaction, ensuring positive reviews on social media and responding promptly to any negative comments."
  67. I keep track of who we do business with. Example: "I keep track of who we do business with by monitoring incoming and outgoing mail, calls, meetings and transactions."
  68. I monitor and evaluate our firm's products or services. Example: "I monitor and evaluate our firm's products or services by reviewing client feedback to ensure they are meeting customer needs."
  69. I oversee the training of new employees. Example: "I oversee the training of new employees to ensure they are properly trained so that they can contribute fully to the company's success."
  70. I handle customer complaints. Example: "I handle customer complaints by contacting the client to discuss their concerns and attempt to resolve any issues."

Examples of Adjectives (Action Words and Phrases) to Use in Your Resume:

  1. I am a good team player.
  2. I am an effective communicator with excellent interpersonal skills, an effective listener, and capable of handling sensitive situations with tact and diplomacy.
  3. I am a highly motivated and result-oriented person who possesses excellent interpersonal skills in dealing with people at all levels in the organization; able to work independently to meet critical deadlines; a creative thinker who can generate new ideas.
  4. I have demonstrated strong analytical, organizational, planning and decision-making capabilities, as evidenced by my ability to resolve problems quickly and effectively.
  5. I am a creative problem solver who excels in completing projects through the identification of new ideas and implementation of efficient solutions.
  6. I have demonstrated a strong commitment to our company's strategic goals, teaming with others to achieve significant results.
  7. I am an excellent communicator and an effective leader who can inspire others and obtain their full cooperation in achieving company objectives.
  8. I am a skilled professional with a strong work ethic, great attention to detail and the ability to multi-task effectively.
  9. I am a reliable, competent and hard-working employee who can get the job done while exhibiting an appreciation for my company's policies and values.
  10. With demonstrated leadership abilities, I have been recognized as an excellent team leader.
  11. I am committed to our company's employees and their families.
  12. I took initiative to develop new strategies and new profit centers that have increased profits by 20% in a single year without increasing costs or lowering quality standards.
  13. Seasonal efficiencies in manufacturing, distribution and marketing were achieved through developing an efficient management information system; anticipating client needs and developing new products, such as a new line of kitchen accessories to meet the rapidly growing demands of our clients.
  14. I developed a price/mix strategy that increased sales by 27% with no change in prices.
  15. I was responsible for the design of the company's new website which generated more than 500 orders in one week, representing a 20% increase in sales.
  16. When asked to participate in our company's strategic planning process I engaged all stakeholders to evaluate company strategies and identify areas for improvement; propose changes to increase profitability and enhance profitability by 25%.
  17. Implicit in my actions to achieve objectives was a concern for our clients, our associates and our employees.
  18. I have a strong track record of developing and retaining valuable clients because I am direct, honest and fair in all dealings with clients.
  19. Ready to take on new challenges, I am an enthusiastic, results-oriented team player who gets things done and builds strong partnerships.
  20. My results-oriented and detail-focused approach to problem solving has allowed me to contribute significantly to our company's growth and profitability over the past 10 years.
  21. Assignment by assignment, I have consistently met or exceeded my annual sales quota.
  22. I am an effective leader and team player with the ability to inspire and motivate others through effective communication and visionary leadership.
  23. Chocolate is my passion, and I am committed to creating extraordinary chocolate treats while mentoring our bakers to reach their highest potential.
  24. Debt-free, cash-rich and highly profitable, we require a leader who can make the most of our unique opportunities for growth.
  25. Dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service, I have consistently exceeded my sales quotas by delivering truly exceptional and memorable experiences to every client.
  26. Banner was a pioneer in the retail industry and I worked hard to maintain its consistent quality and outstanding reputation. A leader who values teamwork, I take great pride in mentoring my colleagues.
  27. Refunds and 3rd party logistics, I implemented this annual process to ensure that our customers received their return products in the most timely manner possible.
  28. My strengths as an entrepreneur include a passion for growth, achieving objectives and working closely with clients and associates to create long term partnerships for mutual success.
  29. Painter and decorator, while taking on new challenges I built a business that is now a highly successful supplier of wall and ceiling paint and decorative accessories.
  30. Bayonet is a creative agency committed to excellence in creating and implementing multi-channel marketing programs that achieve our clients' business objectives.
  31. As a consultant, I will utilize my creative ideas to help you challenge your current perspectives, improve performance and make well-informed decisions for success
  32. Grass Roots is a marketing strategy company that provides full-service solutions to leading companies to produce exceptional results.
  33. If you have asked me to complete this questionnaire, then you already know of my reputation for achieving results for our clients.
  34. Self-motivated, and with a real appreciation for what it takes to achieve outstanding results, I am eager to create the kind of success that I know we both deserve.
  35. Flexible and prepared to take on the tasks that need to be done, I am committed to developing and maintaining relationships with our clients.
  36. A consummate professional with proven leadership abilities, I have demonstrated significant improvement in profitability for my company and associates by implementing new strategies and processes.
  37. Innovative, creative, visionary and driven, I am a leader who is ready to take on new challenges and lead by example.
  38. Ambitious, hard working and excited to contribute to the continued success of our team, I have been recognized as a valuable member of my team by my peers.
  39. Patient and detail-oriented, I have a talent for multi-tasking and a record of success in effectively managing projects with a high degree of complexity.
  40. Insightful and creative, my ability to produce exceptional results is firmly grounded in a solid understanding of the needs of my clients.
  41. I possess a comprehensive understanding of the advertising industry and the ability to create innovative and creative campaigns that will deliver results.
  42. Responsible for the strategic direction of a $1 billion organization, I have consistently exceeded my annual sales quotas by increasing sales by 12% with no change in price.
  43. Hardworking, results-oriented and full of ideas, I have the drive to achieve great things with you.
  44. Tenacious, focused and outcome-focused, my results-oriented approach to problem-solving has contributed significantly to our organization's overall success.
  45. A visionary leader who makes the most of each and every opportunity for success, I am committed to creating long term partnerships with our clients.
  46. Results driven by nature, I am a strategic leader who has the innate ability to produce exceptional results for our clients and our associates.
  47. Creative thinker, problem solver and effective team worker, I am prepared to enhance our profitability through direct client relationships.
  48. Assertive, loyal and always on time, I am a reliable worker who is invaluable to our organization.
  49. My career has been characterized by identifying and honing in on my strengths and developing a proven track record of achieving results for my clients.
  50. Results driven by nature, I am a strategic leader who has the innate ability to produce exceptional results for our clients and our associates.

How to Further Elaborate on Each Adjective & Verb Sample

After you pick and choose which samples you like, you have to craft elaborative sentences to further expand on the content. The goal is to craft sentences that are specific enough so you can immediately visualize a picture in your mind. The more "visual" the better. Give details to fuel the reader's imagination and allow them to visualize who you are as a person. Don't just say "I'm hard working" or "I'm loving". Your elaboration gives them a reason why they should be convinced and therefore hire you.

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