Starting Strong: Meet and Greet Questions for New Employees

Learn how to make a great first impression with new employees by asking the right meet and greet questions. Examples, and best practices inside.

As an employer, your onboarding process is critical to setting up new hires for success. You want to make sure that you're not just filling a vacancy but creating a positive and engaging workplace culture. One of the best ways to do this is by starting strong with a meet and greet that helps new employees feel welcomed and appreciated.

In this guide, we'll show you how to ask the right questions that engage new hires, foster conversation and build rapport. But first, let's talk about why starting strong is so important.

When a new employee joins your team, you have a unique opportunity to create an impression that can last their entire tenure. By taking the time to welcome them and get to know them, you show that you care about their success and wellbeing. This can help to build a sense of trust and loyalty and get them off to a strong start. And this isn't just good for the employee; it's good for your company too. Engaged employees are more productive, more innovative, and more likely to stay with your organization.

So, let's explore how to make the most of this critical time with some meet and greet questions and best practices to create an effective onboarding program that resonates with your new employees.

Meet and Greet Questions for New Employees

One of the best ways to create a positive onboarding experience for new employees is to start off strong with a meet and greet. Here are some sample questions that can help you facilitate an introduction and conversation with new employees, and get to know them better.

Background Questions

  • Tell me about yourself. What inspired you to pursue your profession?
  • What was your previous work experience? What did you like and not like about it?
  • What skills and experiences do you bring to this role?
  • What are your career goals, and how do you see this role helping you achieve them?

Asking background questions can help you understand new employees' work history, skills, and aspirations. It can also help you tailor your onboarding experience to their individual needs and goals.

Interests and Hobbies Questions

  • What are your favorite hobbies or pastimes outside of work?
  • Have you traveled anywhere exciting lately? Where is your favorite place to visit?
  • What type of music, movies, or TV shows do you enjoy?
  • Do you participate in any clubs or organizations?

Asking interests and hobbies questions can help you connect with new employees on a personal level and build rapport. It also provides an opportunity for shared interests that can help build team cohesion and improve workplace culture.

Goals and Expectations Questions

  • What do you hope to achieve in your role in the next 6 to 12 months?
  • What do you think will be your biggest challenge in this role?
  • What do you expect from your manager or team, and what do you need to be successful in this role?
  • What are some of the values that are important to you when working with a team?

Asking goals and expectations questions can help you align new employees' expectations with the company's goals and objectives. It also allows for honest communication about the challenges and expectations of the role, setting the tone for a positive and productive working relationship.

Best Practices for Conducting a Meet and Greet

  • Start with a warm and welcoming introduction, smile, and make eye contact.
  • Be prepared with questions and have a good understanding of what you want to achieve during the meeting.
  • Actively listen to their responses, and show interest in what they have to say.
  • Try to find common ground or shared interests to build rapport.
  • End the meeting by thanking them for their time and expressing excitement for them to join the team.

One of the most important aspects of conducting a successful meet and greet is to be well prepared. Not only does this show that you value their time and presence, but it also helps you to create a comfortable and welcoming environment that allows for an open and honest conversation.

Other Strategies for Onboarding Success

  • Providing thorough training and orientation to the company's culture, policies, and procedures.
  • Assigning a mentor or buddy who can help guide the new employee through their first few weeks.
  • Scheduling regular check-ins to monitor progress and provide feedback.
  • Encouraging socialization and team-building activities to help new employees integrate with their colleagues.

Creating a memorable onboarding experience doesn't stop with a meet and greet. Other strategies and activities can contribute to a successful onboarding process, such as thorough training, mentorship, and socialization. By providing these resources and opportunities, new employees are more likely to feel engaged, supported, and productive from day one.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Onboarding

  • Time constraints can lead to a rushed and incomplete onboarding process. Consider creating a structured onboarding plan to ensure that all important topics are covered.
  • Remote work can create a lack of engagement and opportunities for socialization. Try to find ways to encourage virtual interaction, such as virtual team-building activities or virtual coffee breaks.
  • Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings or communication breakdowns. Consider providing diversity and inclusion training to all employees to promote a more inclusive and respectful workplace culture.

Common challenges can arise during the onboarding process, but there are ways to overcome them. By being aware of these challenges and taking steps to address them, employers can create a smoother and more effective onboarding experience.


Creating a positive and engaging onboarding experience for new employees is critical to their success and the success of your organization. By starting strong with a meet and greet that facilitates an introduction and conversation, you can create a positive first impression and set the tone for a productive working relationship. Remember to be well-prepared, actively listen, and find ways to build rapport with your new employees. But, most importantly, be yourself and let your personality shine through.

As you continue to refine your onboarding process, consider implementing other strategies such as training, mentorship, and socialization. By providing these resources and opportunities, you can ensure that new employees feel supported, engaged, and productive from day one.

Additional Resources

  • "The Onboarding Checklist: A Guide for Hiring Managers" by Workable: This comprehensive checklist provides a step-by-step guide for hiring managers to develop and implement an effective onboarding process.
  • "7 Best Practices for Employee Onboarding" by SHRM: This article offers seven best practices for a successful onboarding process, including planning ahead, introducing new hires to company culture, and soliciting feedback.
  • "New Employee Onboarding Guide" by HRZone: This guide provides an overview of the onboarding process, including tips for conducting a successful meet and greet, setting up a training plan, and establishing mentorship programs.

By consulting these additional resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of the onboarding process and learn how to implement best practices that will help you create a successful onboarding experience for new employees.

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