Terms of Use

Disclaimer, warning, and message to all visitors, readers, users, and subscribers. Read the terms, cookie and privacy policy hyperlinked here.

Disclaimer, Warning, and Message to all Visitors, Readers, Users, and Subscribers

Updated 17 July 2021, 14:50 PM SGT. Reviewed 02 Nov 2022, 18:50 PM SGT.

  1. In this Terms of Use section, the website, hosting organization, writers, and owners (collectively termed "we"), shall provide our disclaimers, warnings, and messages to all visitors, readers, users, and subscribers in our own words. We want to present our intentions in the best way we know in plain simple English before all the legalese which you can access as you scroll down and indicated throughout the website. We don't believe in "lawyer-ing up" when there's a complaint.
  2. Information on this site is for general knowledge and education purposes. Please do not construe any of the opinions & content as a substitute for proper employment or legal advice - it is not advice. Seek professional avenues such as an employer, lawyer, or a representative in the correct governmental setting for appropriate advice if you need it.
  3. All content displayed here on interviewqn.com is provided for open access (for non-subscribers) and private access (for subscribers) on an as-is basis. We hereby state in black and white that the maximum liability that we will have for the operation of the website, the content, and for all matters in relation to interviewqn.com is up to a maximum of US $100.00 (One Hundred United States Dollars).
  4. We do not provide any warranty and guarantees to the applicability, conformity, and factual nature of the content. As far as we want to help & provide content for the benefit of everyone, the information does change quickly with time and everybody's situation is unique. Read and follow at your own risk.
  5. We've tried to fact check information where deemed suitable and we want all information presented to be sensible and practical, but there are no warranties and guarantees on this. Most of the content on the website is given out for free, please limit your expectations (:


Our Terms of Use further comprises of the below sections. Please spend time reading the legalese.

  1. Terms & Conditions: The page can be found here.
  2. Cookie Policy: The page can be found here.
  3. Privacy Policy: The page can be found here.

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