The Most Likely Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Interviews

If you're wondering why you're not getting interviews, there are a few likely reasons. This article covers the most probable causes and what you can do to change your outcome.

The Most Likely Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Interviews
Uncover the causes of why you can't get any interviews and did not hear back from any potential employer.

Your Resume Is Terrible - Too Generic, and No Effort Made to Customise to the Company & Role

If you’re applying for jobs online, chances are you’ve seen some pretty bad resumes before. But if you want to stand out among the crowd, you need to make sure yours isn’t just okay—it’s great!

The prospective employer will want a candidate who almost exactly fits the job description and hence their requirements. A person offering himself as a multi-purpose tool but not specialised in any trade will be deemed generic. Likely passed off for someone else who can do the specific job. Qualified applicants only!

You Aren't Tailored To The Job Description

Your cover letter and resume might be perfect, but they still won’t land you the interview if you aren’t tailored to the job description. You are an OK-fit, but not the best fit for the role. Show that they have t0 have you, and a second-best internal candidate (possibly transferred and reassigned) just wouldn't cut it.

Make sure you highlight your relevant experiences and qualifications on your application materials. Also, take the time to tailor your cover letter and resume to each individual company. It increases your visibility as a qualified candidate, and doing so could give you an edge over other applicants.

You Don't Have Experience - Irrelevant Past Jobs

Writing out every single work-related experience you have may initially seem like a good idea. But, padding your resume makes it thick, hard to read and finally boring. This is a common reason why people don't get interviews. Make sure you spend those precious letters wisely as your reader has a short attention span!

Potential employers will skim-read.

So, you may have been working at your current job for years, but that doesn’t mean you know how to apply for a new position.

You don't need experience to start a career, but having some previous experience under your belt will help you stand out from the crowd. Having no experience at all makes you look unprofessional and inexperienced. Make sure you have something relevant on your resume when you submit yourself in a job search.

You Wrote A Poor Cover Letter - Sell Yourself. Entice and Attract.

A cover letter is often overlooked, but it's just as important as your resume. People don't get interviews because they don't try hard enough to sell themselves and create a personal brand when they should.

Write a good cover letter that highlights your skills and experiences. This showcases your best strengths to every potential employer; In fact, treat your cover letter as an advertisement of yourself. Make it your customised sales pitch.

Include information that entices, including where you went to school, your hobbies, salary requirements, expected career path and anything else that might interest the employer.

You Didn't State Your Notice Period

If the employer was kinda-interested in you but you were not the only choice, then the nitty gritty things matter and could affect their final decision. A longer notice period would mean you need a longer time before you can start work, but if you entirely fail to state your notice, then they may not even bother asking you. They could go for the other candidate instead.

You're Overqualified - "Education/Role to Job Fit" isn't there

It happens to everyone eventually. After years of experience, you finally get promoted to management. Or maybe you’re already managing others? Either way, you now have more responsibilities than ever before.

Another scenario is when you have lots of high-level certifications and exceed their educational requirements. This may get you unintentionally eliminated during the hiring process.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry—you’re definitely overqualified for many positions. So stop stressing about whether or not you’re qualified enough for the role. Instead, focus on the fact that you’re overqualified.

You Didn't Follow Up On Emails - Missed Updates, Replies Not Answered Promptly

When you apply for jobs online, you should receive emails confirming receipt of your application. If you don't respond promptly, employers may assume you didn't even read their request. Responding to emails promptly shows that you care about getting hired.

Following up is arguably the most important step in landing a job. Once you send off your application, follow up with emails until you hear back. Then, follow up again to ensure everything went smoothly. Finally, follow up once more to check in and ask any questions you may have.

You Wasted Time Applying Online - Some Jobs Hire Quicker if You Walk-in

Applying for jobs online is convenient, but it can also lead to missed opportunities. Many companies prefer to hire candidates offline due to their busy schedules.

Plus, many employers find traditional methods of hiring provide them with a higher quality candidate.

Your Resume Is Too Old

If you have been out of work for over 6 months, chances are you won't get any interviews. If you've been unemployed for longer than that, then you're probably not going to get many interviews either or get skipped on during the interview process. So if you haven't had a job interview in the past 6 months, you may want to take extra time to update your resume.

You Aren't Qualified - A non-fit

It's true that everyone isn't qualified to do everything. But if you aren't qualified to do what you're applying for, you'll never land a job. Resume screeners will weed you out before you reach the interview stage. That means you should make sure you know exactly what you're qualified to do. And if you're unsure about whether or not you qualify, ask someone who does.

You Didn't Follow Up After An Interview

After an interview, follow up with the hiring manager via email. Say thank you for taking time out of their day to meet with you. Ask them how they liked meeting with you and let them know you'd love to hear back from them soon.

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