Why is memorising my strengths and weakness for a college interview bad?

Memorising your strengths and weaknesses for a college interview can be counter-productive. Find out the hidden pitfalls of using memorised answers.

Memorising your strengths and weaknesses for a college interview is bad because it can come across as deceitful and disingenuous to the interviewer, making them think you are not being honest about yourself.

Consequentially, it could leave the interviewer with an unfavorable impression of you. (Do you want to look fake in an admissions interview?)

Memorising makes it hard for you to think on-the-spot

Memorisation also limits creativity; coming up with new ways to explain yourself allows for more interesting conversations between applicant and interviewer alike as well as greater opportunities for showcasing unique characteristics about yourself that set you apart from other applicants.

If that is all you have to say, and if that is all you were prepared to say...

It also makes it difficult for an interviewer to get beyond what you have memorised and ask meaningful questions that could help assess how well suited you are for the school or program in question.

When your "prepared script" ends but the interviewer still probes further - are you able to extend the conversation? Or will your mind draw a blank?

Dangers of over preparation using scripted answers

Additionally, if an applicant has rehearsed their answers too much they may struggle with follow up questions which could look like a lack of preparation on their part when responding in person during the interview process.

If applicants cannot discuss their strengths naturally without having had time to rehearse beforehand then this might suggest that they do not really understand why those attributes make them suitable candidates after all.

Additionally, if something unexpected comes up during the conversation, memorised responses may lead to awkward pauses while trying to come up with an answer that is both relevant and honest without having prepared in advance.

Such knowledge should be instinctive rather than learnt verbatim from memory alone.

You don't seem legit and give an odd-vibe.

Memorizing information gives off artificial vibes that can detract from other aspects of one's personality, so relying solely upon scripted responses isn’t ideal either - interviews offer insight into who someone truly is by allowing spontaneous dialogue between both parties involved within said interaction!

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