Why resigning helps you regain a sense of control of life

Want to take control of your life? This article explains why quitting your job could be the key to regaining agency and finding career fulfilment.

It's a feeling we've all experienced at some point in our careers: feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and like we have no control. But have you ever considered that the solution to regaining control could be as simple as quitting your job? That's right, sometimes walking away is the best way to take back control of your life and career.

But don't just take our word for it. There are countless examples of individuals who have found renewed purpose and direction after making the difficult decision to resign.

In this article, we'll explore the ways in which quitting can actually help you regain a sense of control, and provide tips for making the transition as smooth as possible. So if you're feeling stuck and ready for a change, read on!

Why quitting can be the key to taking back control

Have you ever felt trapped in your job, like you have no other options or opportunities available to you? It can be a demoralizing and disempowering feeling, but quitting your job can be the first step towards reclaiming control. By leaving a situation that is making you unhappy, you open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities that may have previously been out of reach.

For example, imagine you've been working in a dead-end position for years, feeling unfulfilled and undervalued. By quitting, you can start fresh and actively seek out a job that aligns more with your values and goals. This can be especially empowering if you've been in a toxic work environment or have a boss who doesn't support your growth.

The benefits of making a clean break

In addition to opening up new opportunities, quitting can also give you a much-needed break from the daily grind. Sometimes, the daily stress and demands of a job can take a toll on our well-being and overall happiness. By quitting, you can take the time to rest, recharge, and reassess what you really want out of your career.

For instance, maybe you've been burning the candle at both ends, working long hours and sacrificing your personal life. Quitting can give you the chance to reset your work-life balance and prioritize your well-being. This can be especially beneficial if you're in a high-stress industry or have been putting your job ahead of your own health and happiness.

Finding new direction and purpose

Quitting can also be a chance to discover your true passions and find a career that truly fulfills you. If you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current job, it may be a sign that it's time to explore new avenues and find a career path that aligns more with your values and goals.

For example, perhaps you've always had a hobby or side project that you're passionate about (think back to the days you shared about yourself during your initial job interview), but haven't had the time or energy to pursue it. Quitting your job could give you the space and freedom to turn that hobby into a solo full-time career. Or, maybe you've been wanting to switch industries or try something completely new, but haven't had the opportunity or support to do so. Quitting can be the push you need to take the leap and pursue your dreams.

Managing the financial and practical considerations

Of course, quitting your job isn't always a simple or straightforward decision. There are financial and practical considerations to take into account, and it's important to have a plan in place to manage these challenges.

For instance, you'll need to consider how you'll pay your bills and support yourself while you're searching for a new job. It may be necessary to cut back on expenses or tap into savings to bridge the gap.

It's also a good idea to have a backup plan in case your job search takes longer than expected, or only quit when you have another job confirmed and lined up to reduce the risk of being unemployed without income.

Timing your exit from you company is also important in the financial sense. Most employees quit only after they have received their annual bonus payments (i.e. actually getting the money credited into the bank account).

Dealing with a specified notice period

If you're quitting your job, it's likely that you'll be required to give a certain amount of notice to your employer. This notice period is usually specified in your contract or company policies, protecting you as an employee from any arguments over what is fact and what is agreed. This specified period also benefits the company and gives them the company time to find a replacement or make other necessary arrangements.

It's important to be respectful of this notice period and to give as much advance notice as possible. This can help smooth the transition and ensure that you leave on good terms with your employer. It's also a good idea to be proactive and offer to help with the handover process or tie up any loose ends before you leave.

However, if you're in a particularly toxic or unhealthy work environment, it may be necessary to leave sooner rather than later. In this case, it's important to communicate your reasons for leaving and to be prepared for the potential consequences, such as losing out on severance pay or references. It's also important to remember that you are not obligated to stay in a job that is causing you harm or stress. Your mental and physical health should always be a top priority.

If you do decide to leave before your notice period is up, it's important to be honest and upfront with your employer. They may be disappointed or angry, but being honest and explaining your reasoning can help to minimize any hard feelings. If you're worried about damaging your professional reputation or future job prospects, try to leave on as positive a note as possible. Offer to help with the transition, thank your employer and colleagues for the opportunity, and leave your contact information in case they have any questions or need assistance in the future.

Withdrawing a resignation

It's not uncommon to feel second thoughts or regrets after quitting your job, especially if you're leaving without another job lined up. If you've submitted your resignation but are having doubts, it's important to consider all of your options before making a final decision.

One option is to try to withdraw your resignation and continue working at your current job. This can be a viable option if you're willing to continue working under the same conditions and your employer is willing to accept your withdrawal. However, it's important to be aware that your employer may not be willing to accept a withdrawal during your notice period, especially if they've already started the process of finding a replacement.

Another option is to try to negotiate a different arrangement with your employer, such as a reduction in hours or a change in responsibilities. This can be a good way to address any issues you have with your job without having to quit altogether.

Ultimately, it's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of quitting versus staying before making a final decision. Consider seeking advice from a trusted friend or professional to help you make the best choice for your career and well-being.


Quitting your job can be a difficult but ultimately empowering decision. It's not always the easy or obvious choice, but it can be the key to regaining control of your life and career. By leaving a situation that is making you unhappy or unfulfilled, you open yourself up to new opportunities and the chance to pursue your passions.

However, it's important to be mindful of the financial and practical considerations, and to seek out support and guidance as needed. And if you're having second thoughts, it's okay to reconsider your decision and explore other options, such as negotiating a different arrangement with your employer or withdrawing your resignation.

Ultimately, the decision to quit is a personal one, and it's important to trust your instincts and do what is best for you and your well-being. So if you're feeling stuck and ready for a change, don't be afraid to take the leap and start fresh. You might be surprised at what you're capable of and where it can take you.

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