Writing a Post-Interview Follow Up Email

• Why Job Seekers & Employers Should Follow Up • For Interviewees: What Should I Write? • A Full Sample of Interviewee's Email • Interviewer's Response • Sending Out Handwritten Notes

Writing a Post-Interview Follow Up Email
An email is a form of courtesy & a way to keep up to date with your interview outcome.

For both the employer and potential employee, a simple thank you message is a courteous way to show gratitude to the other party for having spent time in the meeting.

In this article, we provide some sample content paragraphs you can refer to.

Why Job Seekers & Employers Should Follow Up

For job hunters, maintaining contact with the prospective employer is a critical factor that plays a significant role when seeking a job. The appreciation email opens up a conversation for further mutual discussion and continuation of the hiring process.

Whereas for hiring managers, maintaining relationships with the prospective employee demonstrates the company's brand message even if the interviewee is not hired.

For Interviewees: What Should I Write?

Primarily, the content of your thank you email should be brief and simple. The main objective of the message for interviewees is to express your appreciation for their time.

  • Your message may contain a few words or even a few sentences of thanks.
  • A sentence to connect the interview with the job opening being advertised by the employer.
  • You should convey a pleasant and polite tone while expressing your gratitude for meeting them.
  • The first few words (including the formal greetings) determines if your email message ends up in the trash or is read. Unlike a cover letter, you don't have so many characters to type before they lose attention.
  • Do mention the desire to work for the organization but avoid pressing further for the result of the interview process.
  • There is no need to reintroduce yourself as your name would be indicated in your email address itself and you would have prior communication with the interviewer.
  • If you have attended a phone interview, video interview or virtual interview, the reasons for writing a thank you / follow-up email remain the same as if it were an in-person actual interview.
  • Avoid leaving the email subject blank. Give it an attractive title.
  • Send the email within the business day and within working hours, rather than at 2 A.M.

A Full Sample of Interviewee's Email

Dear Mr Roberts,

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me on Monday, November 20, 2021. Regarding the role of Operations Executive at Bayfront, Sydney, I would like to express my keen interest in the role. I remain very excited to meet you and learned much about the technology services company that you work for.

Should you have any further questions about my job application, please contact me by way of email or via phone call so I may clarify if need be. Thank You.

After sending the follow up, keep watch of their reply. It can take some time for the company to get back to you.
Response Times to Expect in Your Job Application
• Average Response Times by HR• To Respond to Email • Inform Your Interview Dates & Results• To Reject or Make an Offer• Prepare & Send Formal Offer
Thereafter, respond appropriately to an offer if you are a successful applicant.
Responding to a Job Offer
∙ Communicating Intention in Your Response∙ Language Use and Sentence Construction∙ Sample Content and Templates ∙ Moving Forward After Responding

For Hiring Managers, HR & The Employer: What Should I Write?

Now, for the employer's response.

This email response should be centered around the next steps in the hiring process. At this stage where the result of the interview is either in the processing stage and isn't ultimately finalized, you should avoid giving any promises or impose any expectations to the job seeker.

  • Where possible, give an estimate of the number of days to complete the decision process.
Note: There is no need to reveal the inner workings of the decision process. Just convey that hiring is a process and there needs to be a period of time before a conclusion.
  • If the company chooses to interview more job candidates to explore options, then no particular candidate should demand to know if the hiring process has ended.
  • A timely response is expected. Leaving the email hanging is rude and reflects poorly on the hiring company. Prospective candidates may misconstrue the company culture (by extension). Avoid a poor experience.
  • At this point where the job search is still ongoing for the interviewee, it is appropriate to keep in touch as he/she may lose interest if no response is elicited. He may move on to other job offers during his job hunting and you will lose your ideal candidate. Such strong candidates tend to have many alternative employment options.
  • You may refer to your contact details by leaving them in your email signature or referencing the business card which you should have given the interviewee during the meeting.
Note: Employers are not expected to give advice or feedback on the interviewee's performance and skill in the email. Identifying interview mistakes is not your job!
  • For qualified candidates and shortlisted interviewees, you may want to provide details of the hiring process to keep them engaged in your post-interview note.
  • If the position is filled, it is wise to notify all prospects at the same time.
  • The golden rule when representing the company is to recognize that the interviewee is a prospect and not internal staff. Thus, keep your internal discussions private and your knowledge confidential.
  • Direct the interviewee to resources if they have queries.
  • The reply should not demand any more than a quick email response.

Complete Sample of Hiring Manager's Thank You Email

Dear Ms Josephine,

We had a great time meeting you in the interview room on Monday. We hope you had a lovely day and that the interview went well for you. While waiting for our updates on your interview outcome, we invite you to reach out to us if you have any queries regarding the role. Thank You.

Sending Out Handwritten Notes

Sending handwritten notes is a time-tested method used to express gratitude for meeting with the company representative. Go the extra mile.

I think it is a great idea, so go do it.

This personalized note can be formatted with simple text or a few sentences in short handwriting to express thanks and show respect for the interviewer. Since it is uncommon for most interviewers to receive such efforts from applicants, handwritten letters are thought to be a skillful way to a positive memory from a job interview.

  • A handwritten document should not be more than a couple of sentences in length.
  • Make use of white space. Do not need to fill up the paper with a wall of text.
  • Use cursive writing for more elegance and neatness.
  • For a panel interview with multiple people, create a handwritten note for each person who attended the session. Use personalized greetings for each seperate note. A generalized note addressing all interviewers is far less impactful and sincere.
  • You should only briefly mention the exciting opportunity offered by your potential employer. Keep it short, not wordy.
  • Post-interview notes should be sent promptly. Email is faster but you are more likely to lose your prospective employer's attention.
  • Applying perfume on the handwritten note is a nice personal touch. If you are male, don't. Do not.
  • You can invite the other side to coffee if you have built up substantial camaraderie during the interviews. Most job candidates don't.
  • Do not make any demands or requests in the thank you note. It should be concise, clear, and cordial without any pressure or sense of urgency.
  • Additional questions to the hiring team are to be asked separately.
  • When mailing the note or letter, you can use a registered post to ensure it reaches the recipient. Postal mail sometimes gets lost.
  • There is no perfect letter. Just write, and write sincerely.
  • Do leave your name so that you are identifiable and your efforts will be attributed back to you.

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